CSO Partnership for Development Effectiveness (CPDE) Response to the Zero Draft of the Outcome Document

CSO Partnership for Development Effectiveness (CPDE) Response to the zero draft of the outcome document for the UN Summit on the Post-2015 Development Agenda draft for comments@ 14 June

CPDE appreciates the aspirational nature of the zero draft of the outcome document for the UN Summit on the Post-2015 Development Agenda. The documentsets the tone for achieving an ambitious universal agenda by 2030 that can benefit both people and the planet. From a development effectiveness angle, however, severalkey elements are either missing or given insufficient weight to adequately address the challenges that await us. Continue Reading

Comments – The Zero Draft of Post 2015 Outcome Document


GOAL 1: Ending Poverty

  • 1: Limited and problematic baseline Reference to 1.25 USD a day only.
  • 3: Very general reference to social protection. The social protection clause also need to address the ongoing development financing process which focused on privatization of social services, curtailing access to the much needy and most vulnerable. A strong social protection mechanism with an explicit reference to over focus on areas such as high military expenditure, that diverts and consume resources, which otherwise could be utilized for social spending.
  • 4: The reference to access and ownership of land by vulnerable should be considered in line with the earlier reference to application of human rights.
  • 5: The integration of climate change concerns and focus to end vulnerable of communities is highly appreciable. However, building resilience and reducing vulnerability of climate extreme events is also overly focused by world bank group. Such resilience measures should not be another forms of privatization of development and promotion of infrastructures for profits.

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